PDF-Bücher Steve Jobs: Insanely Great, by Jessie Hartland
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Steve Jobs: Insanely Great, by Jessie Hartland

PDF-Bücher Steve Jobs: Insanely Great, by Jessie Hartland
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“Hartland ably captures the many facets of entrepreneur and innovator Steve Jobs in this graphic biography…. Luddites and iFans alike should find this volume an illuminating introduction to Jobs’s life and the recent history of consumer electronics.” —School Library Journal starred review"Harland brings the style of simple drawings paired with easy-to-digest facts she used in her first novel, Bon Appétit! The Delicious Life of Julia Child, to a breezy yet thorough illustrated biography of Apple pioneer Jobs." —Publishers Weekly"Hartland’s signature squiggle style and handwritten text create a disarming, intimate view of the subject, as does the lack of any color. Like Job’s innovative designs, her approach is sleek and simplistic, covering just what is needed while still standing out from the competition" —Booklist"Wonderfully fun…I think he (Jobs) would absolutely adore that there’s this graphic biography of him. ―Nancy Pearl, “For being a streamlined look at an impressively packed life, Insanely Great is a complete and multifaceted story…The book is nuanced without being sprawling; comprehensive but not exhaustive—or exhausting, for that matter.” ―Macworld.com “If you are a fan of Steve Jobs, would like to learn more about this brilliant man or like the comic form, then this is the perfect book for you.” ―TeenReads.com “I love Hartland’s illustrations. They exhibit a pleasing simplicity that should make them appeal to anyone with a love of Apple-style minimalism.” ―CultofMac.com “[A]n accessible, engaging, and thoroughly entertaining biography.” ―ComicsGrinder.com
Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Jessie Hartland is the author and illustrator of the highly acclaimed graphic biography Bon Appétit: The Delicious Life of Julia Child, which the New York Times described as “bursting with exuberant urban-naïf gouache paintings and a hand-lettered text that somehow manages to recount every second of Child’s life.” Her illustrations have appeared in newspapers and magazines throughout the world, including the New York Times, Bon Appétit, Martha Stewart Living, Real Simple, and Travel and Leisure. She is also a commercial artist whose work can be seen on ceramics and fabric, as well as in advertisements and store windows. She lives in New York City with her family. To learn more, visit jessiehartland.com and follow @JessieHartland on Twitter.
Gebundene Ausgabe: 240 Seiten
Verlag: Schwartz & Wade (21. Juli 2015)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780307982957
ISBN-13: 978-0307982957
ASIN: 0307982955
Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: 12 - 17 Jahre
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
15,8 x 2,1 x 22,3 cm
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Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 443.768 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
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