Free PDF The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics, by Freddie E. Williams II
The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II . Eine Aufgabe könnte verpflichtet Sie konsequent das Verständnis zu bereichern und auch begegnen. Wenn Sie keine genügend Zeit haben , es direkt zu verbessern, können Sie die Erfahrung bekommen und zu verstehen , auch das Buch aus der Lektüre. Wie jeder erkennt, Publikation The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II als Startfenster bevorzugt , die Welt zu öffnen. Es zeigt an, dass die Veröffentlichung der Überprüfung The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II gibt Ihnen ein brandneuen Mittel jede Kleinigkeit zu finden , die Sie benötigen. Als das Buch , das wir hier mit Sicherheit bieten werden, The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II

The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics, by Freddie E. Williams II

Free PDF The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics, by Freddie E. Williams II
The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II . Willkommen in der effektivste Website , die Hunderte Art von Büchersammlungen liefern. Genau hier, stellen wir alle Publikationen The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II , die Sie benötigen. Die Bücher von berühmten Schriftstellern sowie Autoren gegeben. So könnten Sie jetzt erfreuen sie an einen nach der anderen Art von Veröffentlichung zu bekommen The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II , dass Sie suchen. Nun, in Bezug auf das Buch , das Sie wirklich wollen, ist dies The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II Ihre Auswahl?
Wir verstehen und verstehen, dass Bücher in einigen Fällen wird sicherlich Sie wirklich langweilig fühlen. Ja, verbringen oft nur genau zu überprüfen, wird es wahr machen. Dennoch gibt es einige Möglichkeiten, um diese Probleme zu überwinden. Sie könnten nur Ihre Zeit zu überprüfen, in paar Seiten verbringen oder nur für die freie Zeit zu laden. So wird es sicherlich nicht machen Sie langweilen sich, immer mit diesen Worten umgehen. Neben seiner Rolle als wichtiger Punkt ist, dass dieses wirklich interessantes Thema Veröffentlichung liefert zu überprüfen. Also, bei der Überprüfung The DC Comics Guide To Digitally Drawing Comics, By Freddie E. Williams II, stellen wir sicher, dass Sie sich nicht langweilen Zeit finden wird.
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Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende
Freddie E. Williams II has worked on the record-breaking DC Comics miniseries Countdown, DC’s Robin series, The Flash, and many other titles. Visit him on the Web at making his professional comics debut in 1975, Brian Bolland perfected his clean-line style and meticulous attention on 2000 AD and Judge Dredd. He's illustrated the DC Comics maxi-series Camelot 3000, Batman: The Killing Joke, and a host of covers for series including Animal Man, The Flash, The Invisibles, Wonder Woman, and many more. Since 1997 his work has been completely digital.
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I have seen other artists use programs such as Manga Studio, Corel Painter, and Adobe Illustrator to draw their comics. These are all fine choices, but Adobe Photoshop is the primary program I use when digitally illustrating comic books, and it's the program I use in this book. Although I go in-depth in this book about how to create comics digitally, this is not a how-to or step-by-step book on the fundamentals of Adobe Photoshop itself. Instead, this book is targeted at intermediate to advanced users of Photoshop, so if you are unfamiliar with it or any other computer programs I refer to, I highly recommend that you look on line for in-depth tutorials, purchase one of the many books on the subject, or even take an introductory course in using Photoshop.
Taschenbuch: 144 Seiten
Verlag: Watson-Guptill; Auflage: 01 (1. September 2009)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9780823099238
ISBN-13: 978-0823099238
ASIN: 0823099237
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
19,3 x 1 x 26,7 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
5.0 von 5 Sternen
2 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 191.932 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Dies ist ein sehr gutes Buch. Es beschreibt den Workflow und eine Art und Weise, wie man in Photoshop arbeiten kann um Comics zu erstellen. Durch die Umsetzung der in diesem Buch beschriebenen Techniken, kann man Zeit beim digitallen erstellen von Comics und einzelnen Arbeiten sparen und ich persönlich habe auch einen großen Schritt nach vorne gemacht, was die Qualität meiner Bilder betrifft. Was jedoch wenn man es objektiv betrachtet nicht nur auf dieses Buch, sondern auch auf andere Kurse zurückzuführen ist. Aber es bringt doch in vieler Hinsicht Verbesserungen. Von mir unbedingt 5 Sterne!!!
Das Buch hat mir an etlichen Stellen die Antworten geben, die ich für meine Arbeit als Storyboard Artist benötige. Auf Deutsch hätte es mir noch besser gefallen - aber auch die Englische Version ist gut verständlich. Das Buch erklärt sehr eingängig und schnell nachvollziehbar. Es sollte noch viel mehr Fachliteratur zu diesem Thema dieser Art geben! Williams sollte vor allem ein Buch über das Zeichnen selbst schreiben!
If you're looking for a guide on techniques artists use to produce digital comics...THIS AINT IT!!! I'm telling you this up front because the title of the book is a bit unclear about what it is actually about. THIS book is about creating an efficient studio for comic production, NOT lessons in digital comic creation. THAT stuff is covered in DC's other books on inking, coloring, writing and so on.I got this book for one reason: I want to make my studio as efficient as possible! Freddie Williams provides a fantastic guide to help readers improve their productivity by showing how to create an ergonomically-friendly workspace. Topics covered include work area ergonomics, lighting, distractions to avoid, and more!I am employing the suggestions of this book in my own studio and can already see the benefits of the changes advocated by Williams. My space is much more efficient and easier for me to produce in. As I am able, I will implement more of Williams' suggestions in my own studio.This book is an invaluable guide to maximizing your artistic potential in your home or office studio! I'm EXTREMELY happy with my purchase and will purchase more books in this series (I bought DC's "Inking For Comics" too! JUST AS GOOD!!!!).A good read indeed!
This is one of the best best book on the subject of drawing comics digitally. This is not a book about the techniques of drawing comics nor is it a book about photoshop. However; it shows how to draw comics using and take full advantage of computer softwares such as photoshop. This book shows the different processes of drawing comics digitally or manually or in a mixed method. It talks about pros and cons of different processes, thereby offering different options to individual artist to chose the most suitable process to him. The book demystifies what drawing digitally is about for comics writers. It fills the gap between books on how to draw comics and how to use photoshop books. It is the most practical book for comics writers that wish to transition from doing things traditionally and manually to digitizing the comics creation process.For experienced comics book writers that have long experience working digitally, this book may be a bit simple. For the comics book writers that are already experienced working digitally books on particular drawing softwares that he is using may be more useful. However this book is invaluable for the rest of the comic books writers.A must have book for today's comic book writers. This book answered many of my questions.
The DC Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics is one of the best if not the best Guide out there to creating comics. What makes the book so good is Freddie's ability to convey information so clearly and in simple, straight-forward, easy to understand terms.This book is mainly aimed at people with some knowledge of various design software such as Adobe Photoshop which was the main tool the author uses. That in itself is my only warning to anyone thinking about buying this book. Don't expect to be taught Photoshop inside and out. If you know photoshop pretty well then this will be a Gem for you. I've been working on my own comic book project mainly in Corel Painter however most design software is at its core kind of the same. Freddie explains things so well that I could actually apply his Photoshop techniques to Corel, so even if you don't use Photoshop the ideas presented here cross software boundaries. Seeing how well presented and coherent Freddie explains his workflow I am strongly considering drawing everything in Photoshop then using Corel Painter for color only.Freddie will carry you from beginning to end, from the digital sketch to the digital inks. He will give you hints, tips and so much useful ideas for creating a speedy workflow. I got the book this evening and sat down just to flip through some pages. Before I knew it I had read through more than half of the book, it was that interesting! I feel like I've just been sitting down with a friend who for hours was patiently helping me to understand the proper way to go about creating the comic book of my dreams.Finally I was so happy to see a proper section on creating backgrounds using perspective grids digitally. This is what I've been looking for everywhere for a couple years. This guy has covered all the obstacles that you will encounter, the only thing left is to pick up the Wacom pen and draw. Thank you so much Freddie for an excellent Guide or rather a BIBLE in my opinion. This book is priceless.
This is an insight into the artist's process and workflow. It teaches techniques for improving "real world" production and efficiency. The author has many Photoshop techniques and tips that will simply have you saying, "Why didn't I think of that!" and are worth the price alone in the time you'll save after learning them. If you're serious about transitioning to a digital production (emphasis on real production) model, this, is the best $16 you'll spend. It's easy to read, nicely produced/illustrated and will have you expanding your toolset/skills in no time at all. Remember, this artist uses photoshop so you're going to need to have a copy and some basic comfort with it to really benefit.Get another book for learning the very basics like anatomy etc. This book is about how to really produce by using Photoshop to make your drawing and layout more efficient so you can meet your deadlines NOT about the very basics.Finally, I'd just really like to say thanks to Williams for doing this book and sharing his workflow. I'm buying my 2nd copy of this book because, my buddy (who draws comics) won't give my first copy back (Happy Birthday you jerk! =]). That's how good it is. At home in any illustrator's reference library.
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The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics, by Freddie E. Williams II PDF
The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics, by Freddie E. Williams II PDF
The DC Comics Guide to Digitally Drawing Comics, by Freddie E. Williams II PDF